Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint

Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint
Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint
Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint
Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint
Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint

Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint

Neat old duck, do not get confused with the 1893. This is the date Herters opened its doors, not the age of the decoy. These ducks came out in the 1970's so over 50 yrs old glass eyes.

Near Mint Vintage Herter's Woodduck Duck Decoy 1893- Full Size Original Paint

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